Sports activities


Sports, Recreation and Culture

The programming of the activities offered by the Sports, Recreation and Culture Department is published 4 times per year in the Indispenable News Bulletin, available in the ‘To Consult’ section.

Please note that for a registration to be considered valid, it must be accompanied by payment in full.  Thank you for your cooperation.

For all activities managed by the Sports, Recreation and Culture Department, registrations and payments must be made through Voilà!, a new on-line platform. To access our on-line portal, click the link below. For your first registration, you must first create your Voilà! and await your activation e-mail.

There may be other activities in our municipal newspaper that are managed by independent instructors. To register for these activities, please contact directly the person responsible for the activity, as indicated in the newspaper.

For more information on Sports, Recreation and Culture at 418-844-1218 or by e-mail: Pamala Hogan Laberge or Véronique Charbonneau
