The Municipality offers to empty all septic tanks every two (2) years for residential and commercial septic tanks and four (4) years for seasonal residences. The next service will be in the fall of 2023. If your tank is fitted with a pre-filter, please make sure it is cleaned once a year and that is the responsibility of the owner to do so.
The contractor hired for our territory is Sani-Orléans. They can be reached at 418-829-2545. The cost to empty a septic tank outside of the regular operating period negotiated in their contract is $175.00 for a regular emptying.
In order to protect the environment and make sure to have a return on your property’s investment, it is necessary to care about the proper functioning of your septic system.
To help many of you with that endeavour, Quebec’s MDDEP (Ministry of Environment) published a Good Practice Guide in November 2010. This guide reminds septic system owners of their obligations and elaborates on best practices for these systems with the goal of optimizing system operation and preventing the occurrence of a variety of problems, as much as possible. We invite you to read this guide which is available on the internet site of the MDDEP:
As this guide is only available in French, any person who would like information in English should feel free to call the Municipal Inspector Lysa-Marie Hébert at the Municipal Office.
If your tank is fitted with a pre-filter, please make sure it is cleaned once a year and that is the responsibility of the owner to do so.
The primary treatment tank is used to clarify the wastewater by the decantation of suspended solids and the retention of floating material.
The biological activity (bacterial flora) present in the tank must be protected in order to avoid short term clogging of the system. In order to do so, it is essential to implement the following recommendations:
For water analysis laboratories accredited by the Ministère de Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques.