You can consult the property assessment roll for a building by entering the address of the building in the links appearing in the sections below.
Access for citizens:
The new assessment roll was deposited in October 2021 and will serve for taxation purposes for the years 2022-2023-2024. To understand what follows the deposit of the new roll, please click here.
Video on how to register to get your tax bill online through Voilà!
The basic rate of the general property tax is fixed at $0.34 per $100.00 evaluation on the immovables on the basis of their value entered on the property assessment roll.
The surtax is fixed at $0.47 per $100.00 evaluation on the immovables identified on the assessment roll as belonging to the category of non-residential immovables on the basis of their value entered on this roll.
A tax for the water supply service is imposed on certain sectors at the following tariff:
Boulevard Valcartier, rue Caroline, Domaine Saint-Gabriel, Villas Saint-Gabriel and several residences on 5th Avenue (first portion)
$130.00 per residence
The payment of the municipal taxes can be paid in a maximum of three (3) payments to the following dates:
-April 1st
-July 1st
-September 1st
The interest rate applicable is established at 12 % per year on all due accounts after the payment deadline.
If the first payment is not made on time, the total account balance becomes due immediately.
You can also pay your municipal taxes, your tax adjustments or your transfer taxes (welcome taxes) in cash (at the counter), by cheque made in the name of Municipalité de Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier (at the counter, by mail or in the night deposit), by Interac (at the counter) and by Internet, by phone or at the ATM at your financial institution (National Bank, Caisse Populaire Desjardins, Banque Scotia, BMO Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank of Canada, CIBC, TD Canada Trust and Laurentian Bank). For payments by Internet, the reference number corresponds to your matricule number excluding the first numbers (22025) and the hyphens.
Transfer taxes are payable in only one payment within the thirty (30) days following the issuance of invoice. The amount constituting the base of taxation is the higher of the two following amounts: the evaluation or the sale price stipulated in the notarial deed. Usually, the amount of your transfer taxes is written in the deed executed by the notary at the time of the sale.
For more information, please contact Margaret Baker at 418-844-1218 or by e-mail: Margaret Baker
As of March 18, 2016, legislative modifications relative to the Act respecting duties on transfers of immovables came into force, among others:
Citizens having purchased an immovable (e.g. mobile home on a rented land, cottage on Public land) not registered with the land survey registry office must now pay a transfer tax.
The purchaser has the obligation to disclose to the Municipality, within 90 days of the transaction, the information related thereto using the Non Registered Transfer Disclosure Form.
Once completed, the form accompanied by the transfer document (deed) must be sent to or by mail at 2215 Valcartier Boulevard, Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier, Quebec G0A 4S0.
Note that Revenu Québec will impose a residual tax equal to 150% of the transfer tax on a transferee (buyer) who has failed to produce the notice of disclosure to the municipality.